Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday at Camp Lo Mia

On the zipline
 Flag was at seven so we were up at six thirty. After flag one person from each ward had to go get the breakfast bucket, which contained more food than any one ward could eat in a day so we snacked on it for the whole week.  I'm the only third year in my ward so during classes I was with a bunch of people, most of whom I didn't know at all. My group had archery first. I didn't do very good, but on my last shot I got a bulls eye. After archery I had certification. The third years learned how to purify water if you didn't have any clean water.  After certification I had music. My YCL, youth camp leader, Sara is from Hawaii and she taught us how to hula dance. For those who didn't want to dance there was another choice, you could learn how to play the ukelele. I chose to play the ukelele, and I was pretty good if I do say so myself. The ukelele is very different from the violin and the strumming killed my fingers. (I probably wasn't even doing it right, but whatever). I really like playing ukelele it is such a cute little mini guitar. Then we had lunch. I can't remember exactly what it was but it was good. After lunch was zipline,
Dancing like a tree
compass certification and craft. The zipline was really fun, the scariest part was having to climb up the scaffolding to get to the top. For compass certification they gave us a list of directions and we had to follow it and then we would end up in some random place where we would get our prize. It had to be cut short though because our craft would take such a long time. The craft was to make a pocket size Book of Mormon cover. It took about an hour and a half, and four or five more hours to dry. It was fun, and turned out really cute. After we made those we had some down time at our cabin before flag ceremony. As usual I got mail, but I had also received a package. They had an embarrassing requirement  for everybody that got mail. We had to spell our names in the air with our butts. That was pretty awesome. Since I got a package I had to do something extra. A YCL named Alex taught me how to do "yoga" (I really don't think it was yoga).I had to dance like a tree blowing in the wind, then a tree blowing in a storm. I really got into it. Then I had to be a falcon, that was fun. Normally I don't think that I would want to do it but I knew that if I didn't get into they would make me do it again and again until I did. After I was done a big ole hawk flew right over us and I pointed up and said "that's me!!!". Then we had a delicious dinner. The devotional we had after dinner was given by the junior staff (sixth years). They talked about how it is not okay to gossip about other people. It can seriously affect their life.


  1. I would have been too much of a chicken to do the zip line...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. We all enjoy the thought of you having to do an interpretive dance before you were able to get your mail... That is why we sent you mail!! ;)

  4. Girls Camp! Fun times! I would have been too scared to do the zip line too.

  5. Some of your Aunties are wimpy. Soar high like the hawk Sammy Toes!
