Friday, January 6, 2012

The 25 & 26 of December 2011

         This was one of my more eventful breaks, I was able to go snowboarding, to the dunes, and spend a lot of time with my fantastic family. Christmas day this year went a little different than it usually does. Normally  I cant sleep at all on Christmas eve but this year everyone at my house woke up at 7 instead of 6 and instead of rushing to open presents we rushed on over to Grandma and Grandpa Livingstone's house for breakfast and present opening. Then we went back home and went to church.(it was so weird) After church we opened our family presents. Then back to Livingstone's to part-ay! I got to catch up with Cory's little boys none of which remember my name except for Zach, I was so happy!
          Christmas night after I was stuffed like a turkey I spent the night at Livingstone's so I could go with Mitchell, Jessica, Jake and Cory to Snowbowl to snowboard. I was so very excited, but I knew that I couldn't think about it or I would just psych myself out, so before I went to bed I pretended that I couldn't go. It worked pretty well and by morning all I was was excited. We got there and tried to make it without lift tickets, but after a few hours Jake decided that walking up the hill was not working so he bought lift tickets for everyone. We were there until around 4 that day, and I had so much fun. Snowboarding is now one of my favorite activities. Thank you Mitchell Jessica Jake and Cory you guys are great.


  1. I heard that you were a natural at snowboarding! Let's hear about the dunes.

  2. I'm glad you had a good time. I thought it was a great laid back Christmas.

  3. I love snowboarding. What a fun family we have :)

  4. It was a super fun Christmas - love you Sam!

  5. Now that sounds like a pretty awesome Christmas to me - glad that I was able to be there for the Par-tay at your Gramma and Grampa Livingstones! They throw the best parties!
    Aunt Terri

  6. Wow how fun for you. I have never read your blog before. It is so much fun to see what you are doing. Your family is the best. THanks for sharing.
    Aunt Linda
