Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jon Heder!!!!! So, we're pretty much friends by now, right?

Guess who just met Jon Heder? ME! He was at my bishop's house talking to us for Sunday evening discussion. His wife's grandparents live in my ward. It was so cool. He told us all about his movie experiences, and how he became a star. It turns out that he graduated from BYU, and served a mission in Tokyo Japan. He was so so funny, and it seemed crazy to me how "normal" he is.
               When asked about the dance that he did  in the Napoleon Dynamite movie he said that he had never taken any dance classes. He just danced around in front of his mirror and did his own thing. They ended up just playing music and filming how he danced to it. Pretty cool right?

Friday, May 27, 2011

update on my life

I graduated from eighth grade on Tuesday, and it was wonderful. I got a nice pretty dress - purple with a big sparkly square just above my bellybutton. After the recognition ceremony Grandma and Grandpa L. treated my parents Zeke and me to a wonderful Outback lunch. However I think that my favorite part was that I am finally done with junior high. Summer here I come!
              My first day of summer was spent helping my mom clean out her classroom (being a preschool teacher is hard work, I wonder whats it like on normal days). Then right after I went to my house to tidy up so the carpets and vents could be cleaned from the smoke from the small house fire we had around two weeks ago. That was fun, within fifteen minutes I was black with soot, yeah!
I also made my very first tie-dye shirt for girls camp, which turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
              We are having lots of fun with Ben, Grant, and Zach. They are just a big ole' barrel of monkeys. They just have so much energy, and they are just awesome. They are always running around Grandma & Grandpa's house looking for a good time. Little Zachy, loves to talk, he is just sitting there in his chair telling me a story and I'm just amazed at how smart he is for such a little guy.
                Another essential part of my summer is working out with my auntie Jessica. We ran two miles today, and pumped some serious iron (five pound weights).
                  This summer is looking to be a good one!!!



Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Bean Trees

Currently as a summer project for school next year I am reading The Bean Trees, by Barbara Kingsolver. I am about half way through. I think that it has a good story plot, relate-able characters, and ironic happenings. If you have read it please give some feed back, if you haven't I recommend it. note: there are a few swear words