Saturday, November 26, 2011

Julia Joi (I know this is very late, but better now then never right?)

On October 31 I was at soccer tryouts, and was rather excited to go home and sleep for a very long time and then eat my little siblings candy, little did I know that I was about to receive a new little baby sister. I called my mom from the school and asked her to pick me up, she said that Alli was on the way, and I was content with that answer. So I hung up. 30 seconds later I was wondering why Alli would be picking me up, but thought nothing of it. Then she picked me up and asked me if I was ready to have a new little baby. I replied "no I'm not pregnant." She giggled at me and said "no silly, your mom." Again I said no, I thought I had ten days left to prepare. Turns out I didn't. The rest of the day went by in a blur. There was trick or treating, a Jack in the Box run and a late night hospital visit. I was going to stay for the birth, but decided that I didn't really need to stay, so Alli and I went Back to her house where I got a wonderful night sleep. Ryan woke me up around 5:00 the next morning and informed me that I had a little sister. Being mostly asleep what he said didn't register and I said "of course I do, her name is Valerie." He thinks I'm crazy. All of us kids got to go see her in the morning and I got to be late for school, HA! She is really cute and I like her, a lot. :)